Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Some Sci-Fi Stuff

Some fun sci-fi concepts:

And a cartoon:

Friday, July 24, 2009

Angel of Death

Random character design I did today:

Here's some further studies in Photoshop:

Thursday, July 23, 2009


A photoshop doodle from several months ago, that I recently found floating in my hard drive. I think he's occupationally confused because he's clearly thinking about fish all day whilst chopping trees in the forest.

Gosh, I need to stop drawing so many profile portraits, but they're so much fun.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vector Art

Here's a nice little Illustrator project I finished a few weeks ago. I haven't done any vector art in awhile so I think it turned out quite nicely.

I made this drawing a few months ago and my crew liked it a lot. I entertained the idea of using it for a Vanguards logo/ T-shirt design, so I thought I'd vector it out and see how it looks cleaned up. Not bad eh? I'm thinking maybe I'll submit this to Threadless and see if it'll sell.


*Please respect my work and don't steal my designs. That's whack. Thanks, -B

A whole page of SNAILS!

I didn't know what to draw and then Diana told me to draw snails. So I did. Here's the result:

Fun stuff. Here's some details:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

People in Public

Here's some sketches of people in public places. I saw this guy at LAX airport:

And these people are from the BART train back home. I think I like the hipster with earbuds the best:

And this cool guy was from D's fashion show awhile back:

Monday, July 20, 2009

Animals and Other News

I just spent all day scanning old sketches from my two most recent sketchbooks. That means that in the upcoming weeks I'm going to be posting a whole bunch of previously unseen work. I have no real idea of how to present it all so i'll try to do it by topic rather than date.

Here's some fun animal cartoons:

And here's some sketches of stuffed animals from the Natural History Museum:

Friday, July 10, 2009

More old artwork..

Here's a really old painting that I made for the ANIMAJORS drawing blog awhile back... last year I believe! Anyway, I left if half finished and only now finally took the time to finish blocking it out.

Man, drawing all those spines on the tail was a PAIN!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Caricture Series #1 Jason

Lately I've been really bad at motivating myself to make art so I've deemed that more aggressive measures are necessary. I've decided to give myself topics to draw about, things that will hopefully inspire me, the first of which is going to be caricatures of my friends. So here's the first of what will hopefully turn into a series.

This is my friend Jason. In addition to being one of the most talented musicians I've ever met and having funky hair, he's an extreme sneaker fanatic. One time we told him that we had won a pair of the limited edition Coraline Dunks that Nike released for the movie... And then we handed him an empty shoe box... This is what his face looked like:

Of course we were just kidding and gave him the dunks afterward, but his immediate, involuntary reaction was pretty priceless. A look of abject horror and sadness followed by an aftertaste of "why would you ever do this to me?" Sorry we made you suffer Jason, but the cheap laugh was too good, and besides you have a bajillion shoes anyway.
